Best Largest Rivers of The World

19 Best Largest Rivers of The World 2022

RIVERS are fresh water course flowing towards ocean. Mostly rivers start from lakes and after flowing through different countries fall into ocean and seas.

Some rivers completely dry up before reaching the ocean because their water is used for irrigation by making canals. Rivers are part of water cycle.

Many small streams and water of mountains snow and glaciers after melting fall into rivers.

During rainy season large quantity of water come into rivers and some time cause heavy flood.

Water from rivers are used for irrigation and transportation so rivers play important role in the economy of countries.


Top 19 largest rivers of the world according to length and drainage basin are following:



The largest river of world in length is River Nile but according to drainage area it is 2nd largest.

Its length is 6,650 km and drainage area is 3,400,000 km square. It is located in North Africa.

It runs through 11 countries of North Africa and ends in Mediterranean Sea. The source is Lake Tana. It is used for irrigation and transportation.



River Amazon is the 2nd largest River of the world in length and first largest according to drainage area it is first largest river of the world. It is located in South America. It runs through the largest forest of the world Amazon.

Its length is 6,453 km and its drainage area is 6,915,000 km square. It ends in Atlantic Ocean. Its source is Andes Mountains.



River Yangtze is 3rd largest river of the world in length but its drainage basin is far from the first 2 largest rivers.

This river is 11th largest of the world according to drainage. Its length is 6,418 km and drainage area is 1,808,500 km square.

It is located in china and source is Tibetan glacier. It drain one fifth of the total irrigated china lands. It ends in East China Sea.



River Mississippi is 4th largest river of the world in length but according to drainage area it is 6th largest river of the world. Its length is 6,270 km and drainage area is 2,980,000 km square.

It is located in continent of North America and run through the country of Canada. Its delta is Gulf of Mexico. Its source is Lake Itasca. It flow in mountains and plains and end in Kara Sea.

5; RIVER YENISEI; River Yenisei is 5th largest of the world in length but according to drainage area it is 7th largest of the world. It is located in Russian State of Siberia.

Its length is 5,550 km and drainage area is 2,580,000 km square. Its source is Mungaragiyn. Its depth is 24 m. It end in Atlantic Ocean; its rising is in Mongolia.


River blue is 6th largest of world in length and 21th largest according to drainage area. Its length is 5,464 km and drainage area is 752,000 km square.

It is located in china and flow through 9 province of china. Its source is Banyan her mountains and end in Bahia Sea, It is 2nd largest in Asia.


River Ob Irtysh is 7th largest river in the world and third largest in Asia. According to drainage area it is 5th largest of the world.

Its length is 5,410 km and drainage area is 2,990,000 km square. It is located in Russian state of Siberia and largest in Siberia. Its source is Altai Mountains and end is Arctic Ocean.


River Lena is 7th largest in length and 8th largest according to drainage area. Its length is 4,472 km and drainage area is 2,490,000 km square.

It is located in Russia. Its source is Lake Baikal and it end in Atlantic Ocean. Its water shed is largest. It is Great Russian River.


River Congo is 9th largest river of the world in length and third largest according to drainage area. It is located in Africa.

Its length 4,371 km and drainage area is 4,014,000 km square. It is also deepest river of the world. It has diverse water shed. It is 2nd largest in Africa. It flows through Congo and end in Atlantic Ocean.



River Amur is 10th largest river both in length and drainage area. It is located in Russia and china. Its length is 4,352 km and drainage area is 1,855,000 km square.

It flows through mountains, plains, desert and tundra and end in Pacific Ocean. Its sources are ON0N River and SHILKA River.


River Mackenzie is 11th largest river in length and 12th largest according to drainage area.

It is located in Canada and largest in the country. Its length 4,241 km and drainage area is 1,780,000 km square. It flows through forest, plains and tundra. Its source is slave lake and it end in Arctic Ocean.


River Niger is 12th largest river of world in length and 9th largest according to drainage area. It is located Africa and run in crescent way.

Its length is 4,167 km and drainage area is 2,090,000 km square. Its source is Guinea and end in Atlantic Ocean.



River Mekong is 13th largest river of the world in length and according to drainage area it is 19th largest river of the world.

Its length is 4,023 km and drainage area is 811,000 km square.

It is located in Vietnam and china. Its source is Lasagen Gina spring and end in South China Sea.



River Parana is 14th largest river of the world in length and according to drainage area it is 4th largest river of the world.

Its length is 3,998 km and drainage area is 3.1000,000 km square. It is located in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Parana is a local word which means like a sea because it looks like a sea. Its source is Paranaiba River and it end in Atlantic Ocean.


River Missouri is 15th largest river of the world in length and according to drainage area it is 16th largest river of the world. It is located in United State of America. Its length is 3,767 km and drainage area is 1,371,000 km square. This is used as a recreational place due to day and night float; ice lands and sand bars are great places for camp. Its source is Hell Roaring Creak a tributary River and end at Mississippi River.


River Volga is 16th largest river of the world in length and according to drainage area it is 14th largest river of the world. It is located in Russia. Its length is 3,692 km and drainage area is 1,380,000 km square. It is largest River of Europe. Its water is used for the western Russia in irrigation and transportation. Its source is Valdai Hills and it end in CAPSICAN SEA.


River Madeira is 17th largest river of the world in length and 15th largest according to drainage area. It is located in Bolivia and Brazil. It is Amazon tributary. Its source is confluence of Madre do DIOS and end in Amazon River. Its length is 3,380 km and drainage area is 1,420,000 km square. It ends in Atlantic Ocean.


River Purus is 18th largest river of the world in length and 20th largest according to drainage area. It is located in Brazil and also an AMAZON tributary. Its length is 3,211 km and drainage area is 63,163 km square. It makes an international boundary between Brazil and Peru. It is one of the most crooked streams of the world.


River Indus is 19th largest river of the world in length and 17th largest according to drainage area. It is located in Pakistan, Its length is 3,200 km and drainage area is 1,165,000 km square. It is major River of Asia and flow 93 percent in Pakistan, 5 percent through India and 3 percent through china. Its source is Tibetan plateau in lake Mansarovar and it end in Arabian Sea


River Lawrence is 20th largest river of the world in length and 18th largest according to drainage area. It is located in Canada and United State of America. Its length is 3,058 km and drainage area is 1, 030,000 km square. Its source is lake Ontario and it end in Atlantic Ocean. It is primary drainage conveyor of great lakes.

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