Take Care of your Trolling Motor Battery

How to Take Care of your Trolling Motor Battery?

A trolling motor battery is a useful tool that can help you immensely. Nowadays, people use it extensively. This is why maintaining a trolling motor battery is essential. So, if you take proper care of your trolling motor battery, it will last for a long time like the other machines. This is not a difficult task to do. Just need to take a slightly time and devotion. So, let us have a look at how you would maintain a trolling motor battery!

Take Care of your Trolling Motor Battery

How to maintain a trolling motor battery for proper use?

Overheating seriously causes the damage to batteries. It is responsible for the buckling of the plates and this reason, this is got detached from inner connectors. There are some reasons for which the battery can fail prematurely. They are such like running the down motor battery all the time, charging it too fast at the time.

For the proper accommodation of the expansion and contraction that occurs in normal operation lead-acid batteries are intended for the design. A set of interchanging positive and negative plates contain inner cells. There has a greater number of plates in higher ampere-hour batteries. Dielectric separators will detach these plates from each other. And then the plates are plunged in a dissolution of sulfuric acid and water. The battery is in the discharged formation when the full charge of the solution is mostly with sulfuric acid and water. Unless the battery is not intended for extra discharge and rate of charge, the working system of a cell would be fine for so many years.

Heat generates while using the batteries is a normal matter. The heat can feel in the cable when you touch it. But the production of excessive heat is a kind of problem. As a result, the excessive heat production could buckle the inner plates. This causes the battery could fail or run with a weakened capacity. This case can get you off-guard. The battery appears ok after charging, but it runs quicker than the previous one.

If you are often undercharging the battery, this could damage the internal power. After gradually damaging the internal power of the battery, failure occurs. Weaker cells become exhausted faster than stronger cells, and this leads to damaged plates. This damage prevents the cell from ever reaching a state of normal charge. Repeated undercharging will eventually destroy the battery.

Charging your trolling motor battery at a rapid rate will also damage the battery cells. For the rapid charging rate causes high heat and this will be surely responsible for the damage plates and separators. The solution of sulfuric acid can be boiled to the point in where huge volumes of oxygen and hydrogen are manufactured. This causes deterioration of the plates.

Before charging 50% discharge capacity calls for the appropriate operation. If the discharge repeated upper limit of its point, it causes extra expansion of its cells. For this reason, most of the people buy battery packs that are designed for twice of the anticipated use.

A lengthy battery life depends on ensuring the accurate rate of charge. High-class chargers charge at a slow rate. At the finish rate, this prevents the battery from overcharging. For the safety of the battery, this finish rate is significant. Just need to hold the charger before going above the capacity of the battery.

How to wire your trolling motor battery?

This video is a good start:

To wire your trolling motor battery, you have two ways. These are as follows:

Wiring in Series

At first, you need to have two jumper wires of 2 feet lengthy. You can get the necessary machinery from any automobile supply store or the dealer of a boat. After having all of those, you are arranged to make a series connection. Make it simple and keep it straight. Also give the number designation in batteries like a number – one, two, and three. The designation number in batteries has no boundary; you can do it whatever you wish. This is important for making further instruction easier.

The battery compartment should arrange in power units. And the opposite terminals are next to another compartment. The negative point of number – one should be connected with the positive point of number – two, and the negative point of the number – two should be then connected with the positive point of number – three.

Now, connected your prior jumper wire in the negative point of the first battery and such as the positive point of the second battery. Then, connected your second wire in the negative point of the second battery and the positive point at the third battery. Joined the positive lead motor to the positive point of the first battery. Fastened the negative lead from the trolling motor to the negative point on the third battery.

The series is completed now. And you have got a full power of 36 volts in your trolling motor. For a system of 24-volt, you need to leave the third battery, and it connects the negative lead from the motor to the negative point of the second battery.

Wiring in Parallel

To charge the capacity as twice instead of voltage, the method is useful. In this case, before discharge completely you need a 12-volt charge to ensure a long period. This simple method is named as wiring in parallel.

You tighten the positive lead of trolling motor to the positive point of the first battery and then the negative lead of motor to the negative point on the same battery. Then connect a jumper wire from the positive point of the first battery to the positive point of the second battery. Now, the second jumper wire attaches the negative point the battery that is first to the negative point of the second battery. This process increased your power capacity at least 12 volts of trolling motor and speed doubles at the run time.

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